Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Academic Goals for Term 2

What goals do you want to achieve in English and Maths this Term?


  1. I want to learn to count from 1 to 1000. I want to learn to do take away signs and plus signs too.

  2. This term my goal is to give Parktone Power cards to children who show improvement in handwriting and times-tables.

  3. Hi my name is Phoenix my goal for English is to spell words properly and for maths to learn the eight times tables

  4. This term my goal is to earn 5 power cards

  5. This term my maths goal is to be able to multiply by three digits. This term my goal for english is to know where to put my speech marks in my story writing.

  6. My goal is to learn how to count by 100 in maths.I want to learn harder words like one hundred in English.

  7. Natasha 1/2E I want to lern more take away sums.

  8. My name is Declan and my goal for maths this term is to learn time tables over 12 times. My goal for English is to get into the purple reading box

  9. I want to learn more italian words. And i want to learn how to count to 1000.

  10. I want to get better at my public speaking so that when I am at assembly on monday I won't have shaking legs and be nervous.I also want to learn what mean is.

  11. For term 2 I would like to learn about the types of clothes in Italian and to get better at my punctuation and spelling!

  12. Meghna Tamang - 1/2EApril 20, 2010 at 6:20 PM

    I want to learn how to count money and I want to learn to read books with chapters.

  13. I want to learn how to count to 5000 and more times tables, my english goal is to go up another level in reading.

  14. I want to learn my times tables properly, I guess I have to keep practicing!
    I want more time to proof read my writing.

  15. Erin 1/2T - My goal is to do my very best work in Maths and English.

  16. Miss Georgie CallananApril 21, 2010 at 8:59 PM

    It is fantastic to see so many children who made the effort to blog. I love reading all of your stories. Thank-you for contributing in your own time. Great job!

    Miss Callanan's goals:

    Maths: To visit more maths' websites to further engage students.

    Literacy goal: To focus on spelling common words.

    Miss Georgie Callanan

  17. I want to get more Power Cards. I got 2, 1 for helping and 1 for respect. I am doing reading eggs on the computer at home too.

  18. Hey, it's Judith. My maths goal for this term is to be able to meusre the area of objects. (not the perimiter, as I did in my maths test!) My english goal is to improove the speed of my reading. Thanks for reading and I hope you complete or achive your goals for this year. Good luck!!

  19. Hi my name is Raymond, my litericy goal is to use more puntuation in my stories and my numerucy goal is to learn more about negative and positive numbers
    eg.(1-4 = -3)
    Can you do that?

  20. This term my goal is to improve my public speaking and my second goal is to improve my division.

  21. Hi my name is Ava.
    My goal for English is to read 11 chapters in one book.
    My goal for Maths is to count shopping money with my family.

  22. My goal in reading is to go up a level from red to yellow books.
    In maths I would like to learn take away and plus sums with bigger numbers.

  23. Sarah From 5/6 AMay 1, 2010 at 9:01 PM

    This term for my goal is to correct the use of my commmas and to learn how to say different types of food in Italian.

  24. My goal for maths this term is to be able to measure area and my goal for english is to be able to use quotation marks.Hopefully i will achieve these goal but i will have to wait till next term to find out.

  25. I want to be reading yellow readers by the end of this term.

  26. Natasha 1/2 I want to get 10 power cards and learn lots of plus sums too.

  27. Emily.w.1/2e

    I would like to by able to read green books.I would also like to learn my times tables.

  28. Billie Dixon 1/2 TMay 7, 2010 at 7:56 AM

    Learn bigger and better words and harder and longer sums.

  29. I have achieved my goals Hooray!My new goal is to make new friends.

  30. Well done Danielle. What a lovely idea for a new goal.

  31. This term my mathematics goal is to know how to do lond division and get really good at it.

    This term my literacy goal is to improve on my speech marks.

  32. Hi I'm Arya, I'm a year 6 student at parktone primary and my English goal this term is to speak more louder to everyone and in front of audients to.

    My math goal is to covert fractions into deciemal and divide them.

  33. Hello my name Brooklyn.I am a student at Parktone primary school in year2 in class 1/2T.My literacy goal is to write more clearly so friend,family and teacher's can read my work.

  34. My goal for Term 2 is going to be to find some great new spelling and maths apps to download onto the iPods.

  35. I would like to read a higher grade book.I would like to be able to count to 1000.

  36. This term I would like to get a principals award.

  37. Harry Yates from Prep Z would like to be able to count to 101 and recognise all of the letters of the alphabet...

  38. Thanks parktone primary school love DANIELLE

  39. My goal this term is to improve turning decimals into fractions then adding, subtacting, mutiplying or divding it with another fraction.

  40. Keep it up Holly,
    you are well on the way to achieving your goal!
    -Miss Tuck
