Sunday, March 28, 2010

Term 1 Reflection

What things did you enjoy, learn and achieve during Term 1?


  1. i liked learning about angles and the human body, that was cool.

  2. I enjoyed the 5/6 camp and I also enjoyed the math’s, because I achieved my goal for the term witch is to be able to divide with three decimal places! I made 2 new friends Tammy and Keely. And I cant wait for term 2.

  3. This term i loved the grade 5/6 camp, i acheived my maths goal which was to multiply by two digits. I have learnt alot already this term, cant wait until next term.

  4. Even though the term was quite short, I am so proud of 1/2E and the progress they have made in such a short time. I have a class full of fantastic readers, writers and mathematic experts! Well done!

  5. This term was great because i achieved my goal wich was to multiply by two digits.this terms topic was "You Are What You Eat" it was very interesting.The 5/6 had our magnificant school camp this term and it was an amazing experience.

  6. I liked making the skeletons out of pasta, pretty cool. Playing heads & tails with Mrs Brown was great. Maths games with Mrs Northcott is awesome.

  7. I liked learning about the human body and healthy food. I liked Harold and going into the van. I like computer time and the ipods are my favourite.

  8. I thought the Life Ed Van was pretty cool too, Christian! I'm glad you liked the healthy food stuff, I thought it was really fun using the Interactive Whiteboard to sort the sometimes foods from the always foods.
    Well done!

  9. The 2 things i mostly enjoyed this term was the grade 5/6 camp and one of the reasons i enjoyed that was because i got to experience some things i never thought i would experience. I also enjoyed acheiving my maths goal which was to be able to multiply by 1 digit i achieved that but now i am also able to multiply by 2 digits. I wonder what i will achieve next term.

  10. Harry Simpson Prep W said......

    I liked playing in the playground with all my friends. I like Miss Wapling alot because I like learning how to write.

  11. I enjoyed The Year5/6 camp and I also liked doing the maths and I acheived my goal so i was happy with my first term.

  12. When it was term 1 i liked doing maths it was cool.Natasha.

  13. Harry Yates from Prep Z says,

    I learnt don't hurt other people and be friends and be nice to other people.

    What I enjoyed was meeting new friends and playing on the playground,

    and I achieved an award in the third week, so that was very exciting

    I like Parktone PS!

  14. I would like to learn how to do beautiful writing for everyone to read.
