Monday, February 1, 2010

What are your learning goals for 2010?


  1. Hello, My name is Chloe Horler and I am a year 6 student from Parktone primary school. I have two goals I am looking forward to reaching this year. The first one is to improve my comprehension and understanding in both English and math. I could reach that goal by practising my spelling and tables every night and also by doing alot more reading. I could also go over the work that I have done in class or at home to make sure I understand it properly.

    The second goal that I am looking forward to reaching is to try and improve my understanding of technology with the computers and Ipod touches. I can reach this goal by using the computers alot more instead of doing everything by hand and practice using the Ipods. I can also ask my teacher for some help if I have a problem with the computers and Ipod's.

  2. Hi i am Aimee and my goals for this term is
    to learn how to use the ipod touch, i am going to learn how to use it by concentrating on the teacher and not playing with it while the teacher is talking. My second goal is to improve my spelling, I am going to improve my spelling by studying very hard every single day. Thank you for reading my goals and what i want to improve.

  3. Hi my name is Steven and my goals for this year is to learn more about the new technology that is provided for us this year.I think I will achieve this goal by concentrating more in class and find more time to work with techgnology like ipod touches and computers.

    My second goal for 2010 is to improve my spelling. I think i can achieve this goal by practicing at home and looking up words in the dictionary.

  4. Hi I am Conor and my goals for the term are to improve my public speaking. I will try to improve my public speaking by going up on assembly each monday morning and trying to be as confident as I can , as each week goes by i will become more confident in public sppeaking.

    My second goal is to improve my listening skills, I will improve my listening skills by not fiddling with things while the teacher is talking and if i have an ipod or something like that i won't play with it whilst the teacher is talking. thank you for reading my goals for the term.

  5. Hi i am Jasmyne and my goal is to find out about anmials habitat by researching about anmials habitat and improove my spelling by practing my spelling whenever i get a chance.

  6. Hello,I am Michelle and I have goals that I would like to achieve this term. A goal that I am looking forward to achieving is to memorise at least 20 well used Italian phrases so I can share my skills with the school and even at home.

    Another goal that I am looking forward to achieving is to improve with my punctuation so I can finish my naritives without having to check if i made any mistakes that have to do with punctuation and my reading because i can read a story with expresion which can help my understand the moods of the characters.

  7. Hi my name is Natashia Jouhari,
    My goal for this year is to be able to speak Italian fluently. Also to be able to pronounce the words properly. Another goal is to put more time in to my draft wrighting, and to put more describing words in my stories.

  8. Hello I'm Jared and I am a Year 6 student this year. I'm going to give you 2 goals I want to share with you and achieve this year.

    The first goal I want to achieve is my spelling. A way I can improve my spelling is in my spare time at school and at home is to do my look, say, cover, write, check.

    My second goal is to improve my punctuation. The way I am going to do this is to read a lot more at home and concentrate more on my comprehension work at school.

  9. Hi, my name is Kevin and my goals for 2010 are to improve my public speaking. I will achieve this goal by contributing in most classroom discussions.

    My other goal is to finish my work in the time provided. I will achieve this next goal by never having late homework or classwork.

  10. Hi My name is Arya and i am a student in Parktone Primary school and my goals this term is to get and A in math and my second goal is to get to the standed of a grade6!
    At school i will be consentrating to get up to a standered and at home i will prACTISE alot every day!

    Arya Kutti

  11. Hey my name is Trav and my goals for 2010 are to have better expression when i am reading and the way i am going to do that is to read every night.

    And to have better planning before i write a story the way i am going to do that is to put adjectives in the plannong and to learn more.

  12. This year I would like to learn my 5 times tables. My mum is going to get a times table page out of the Just Kidding magazine to help me practise.

  13. Hi i'm Imogen and one of my goals this term is to become a more confident public speaker and to compleate this goal I will take on more duties that include speaking infront of an audience.This year I am looking forward to looking after my buddy Millie and becoming a year 6.

  14. This is going to be the best year ever because of the tecnology being introduced. I can't even believe we now have 42 Ipod Touchs. My goals for this term is to write narrative with more adjectives since I love to write long, made up stories. My maths goal is to know my seven times tables.

  15. I want to be quicker at lowest comon denominators by doing a few at home

  16. Hi my goal this term is to practice my spelling and tables every week. I will achieve my goal by practicing every weak

    And to read a book half an hour a night and that will help with my story writing.

  17. Victoria-may WilliamsFebruary 4, 2010 at 4:04 PM

    My goal for this year is to learn the whole italian laguage the I am going to do it is to always ask quistions during the lesson.

    My second goal for this year is to improve with my reading by reading 1 book every afternoon.

  18. My 1st goal for 2010 is to be better at lowest comon denominators bydoing a few at home.

    My second goal is to add more interresting words in my stories by getting a thesauras and remembering what the words mean

  19. My goal this year is to be able to be better at Place Value and Basic Number Facts. I am also happy to be in Grade 5/6A.

  20. My goal this term is to improve my presentation by concentrating and really thinking about my work. This way I am confident that I will acheive my goal.

  21. Hello, i'm Judith and one of my goals for 2010 term one is to be-able to speak in front of a big audience with out getting embaressed. I will practice in front of the class audience and try each time to not get worry. i'm looking forward to year 5 at Parktone Primary School!!!!

  22. My goals for term 1 is to learn how to divide by 3 or 4 digits and to get my work done 95% of the time so I don't have to do it for homework.

  23. My goal for 2010 term 1 is to improve my public speaking in front a large audience and I would also like to be able to regualy estimate.

  24. I have been to parktone ps and now i am in high school i was one of parktones school captains but my 2010 goal is to improve on my organisation.

  25. My goals for 2010 are to contribute consistently and improve my public speaking.

  26. my goal this year is to improve im 2 digit multiplication. i am focusing on my main goal which is to read with alot more expression.

  27. my goal for 2010 is to improve the endings to my stories. i am really exited about this year and all the things i am going to learn. i am also excited about buddies. i am really glad i can be at parktone primary school and i hope everyone has a fantastic year!

  28. My goals are to know all of my time tables by the end of year 6 and to be able to write stories with more adjectives and properly punctuated.

  29. One of my goals this year is to be able to read my work with more confidence and expression so I dont so boring when I speak out loud.

  30. One of my goals this term is to add more ajectives to my narritives so they arn't so boring

  31. One of my goals is to improve my adjectives so that my stories wont be so lame.

  32. One of my goals is to get more involved with school events, and to put up my hand more often in class - I would like to improve my confidence!

  33. one of my goals is to improve my oral presentation because I talk too fast but I know
    a way to help I can just write out a story and read it to my family and they will comment if its good or bad

    Raymond Truong

  34. I am a student in year 6 and I have some goals in this term that I would like to achieve. One of them is to improve my writing skills. I can achieve this by practicing my spelling words and adding more adjective and exciting word in to my stories.

    The second goal is to become a more confident speaker I can complete this goal by practicing speaking at home with family and friend, in class I can contribute more to get use to speaking in front of people.

  35. This year will be so awsome, were going to make another movie this year and do tons more on the computers. One of my goals is to be better at subtraction. I will try to achieve this by getting mum and dad to give me subtration problems.

  36. Hello my name is Brooke my i am looking forward to
    makeing a another moive it's going to be good fun

  37. Hi I am Melissa in grade 3. My goals this year are to learn my times tables, and to improve my listening skills.

  38. my goal in 2010 is to write neatly.

  39. I would like to improve on my maths and story writing in 2010. I could improve my maths by studying the subject every night. I could improve my story writing by putting more interesting words in and thinking of great stories that my friends would laugh about. I would also like to be a great friend and always play nicely in the yard.

  40. I would like to improve on my times tables in 2010. I will do that by practising them at home. ('_')

  41. My learning goals. I want to improve my writing, spellinng and maths as well.

  42. Alice Forster grade 1/2TFebruary 25, 2010 at 5:01 PM

    My goal for this year is to treat people nicely. Also to improve my reading.

  43. I want to learn how to count to one hundred, I want to go to a higher level for my reader and to be able to write a full page.


  44. my goal is to be better at take away sums.
